
On February 14, 2019, the first all-department cadres and managers' meeting will be held in the New Year

Column:COMPANY NEWS Time:2019-03-05
On February 14, 2019, the first all-department cadres and managers' meeting will be held in the New Year

On February 14, 2019, the first all-department cadres and managers' meeting will be held in the New Year. Company general manager made a keynote speech titled "constantly striving forward again", review of eighteen years, the company's development and the current international and domestic economic environment faced by companies, analysis pointed out that since 2018 China auto industry negative growth for the first time in 28 years, the industry's "winter", and stressed that 2019 is the key to rongcheng decisive battle the next 20 years, is the essential of the year. Call on all staff to uphold the "company, staff, team, partners - all the way peer" spirit of cooperation, the implementation of the "five rongcheng" concept. Hard work, self - improvement and forward. In order to realize the great goal of "China's prosperity serves the world", we must set up the concept of "persistence, improvement and innovation".

The picture shows the general manager tu rongshan speaking at the conference

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